When someone like former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is involved in a horrific tragedy involving gun violence it is difficult to find the words to argue against their views on guns without sounding insensitive to their opinions. However it was announced today that Gabby and her husband Mark Kelley have started a website aimed at curbing gun violence through further gun control measures. Their agenda is simple. Establish a lobby to go up against the likes of the NRA and other pro gun groups and work diligently at promoting further gun control measures that in my eyes violate our second amendment rights.
Giffords wrote on the website about the tragedy that injured her two years ago. She pointed out that since then eleven more mass shootings have taken place and congress has failed to act to prevent further gun violence. In an article written by her and her husband they wrote "Americans for Responsible Solutions, which we are launching today, will invite people from around the country to join a national conversation about gun violence prevention, will raise the funds necessary to balance the influence of the gun lobby."
This move comes after Giffords and Kelly visited mouring families in Newton, Connecticut last week, where another shooting took the lives of 27 people mostly children, in December.
In both Gifford's shooting and the one in Newton, the assailant was a mentally unstable individual who should have never been allowed to obtain a firearm. In the Newton case the shooter stole the weapons from his mother. The problem surrounding these shootings has been argued by both sides, but the root is clearly mental health system failure.
It is a miracle that despite 6 of her constituents dying, 12 others being wounded, and being shot in the head, that Gabrielle Giffords is alive today. Despite all odds she proved her will to survive and she has shown the world what a strong woman she is. I have the utmost respect for her and what she has gone through and it is my hope that nobody has to go through something like this again. However the reality of the world is simple. Bad guys don't obey the law. They will get guns despite new legislation. In the words of Wayne LaPierre of the NRA, "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun!" Don't tread on my rights.
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