In the wake of the Newton shooting the NRA reported membership was on the rise at a rate of about 8,000 new members per day. Records were being broken and for good reason. America can see how dangerously close we are to losing our second amendment rights. The NRA is over 4,000,000 American's strong. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, all with one common belief. That our right to keep and bear arms shall never be infringed.
The NRA lobbys in Washington to battle against proposed bills that threaten our rights. They work tirelessly to help elect politicians who will protect the constitution. By joining the NRA today you are helping to support the mission of the NRA. You are standing up against the anti-gunners in Washington, and you are helping to defend the second amendment.
Join today and save $10 off your annual membership. If you have been telling yourself someday you would join but never got around to it, now is the time. The need has never been greater and the threat to our freedom has never been stronger.
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